Source code for pyexperiment.utils.printers

"""Provides printing in color

Written by Peter Duerr, inspired by a stackoverflow comment by airmind
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import

RESET_SEQ = "\033[0m"
"""Sequence used to reset console formatting

COLOR_SEQ = "\033[1;%dm"
"""Sequence used to set color for console formatting

# Foreground colors defined as 30 + index, bold
    'black': COLOR_SEQ % 30,
    'red': COLOR_SEQ % 31,
    'green': COLOR_SEQ % 32,
    'yellow': COLOR_SEQ % 33,
    'blue': COLOR_SEQ % 34,
    'magenta': COLOR_SEQ % 35,
    'cyan': COLOR_SEQ % 36,
    'white': COLOR_SEQ % 37,
    'bold': "\033[1m"

[docs]def colorize(string, color_s): """Colorize a string """ # pylint:disable=no-value-for-parameter, assignment-from-no-return return color_s + string + RESET_SEQ
def _print_color(color, string, *args): """Prints string in color to stdout """ print(colorize(string % args, color)) for color_name, color_seq in COLORS.items():
[docs] def create_printer(color): """Creates the printer for the corresponding color """ return lambda string, *args: _print_color(color, string, *args)
vars()['print_' + color_name] = create_printer(color_seq)