
Provides a multiprocessing-safe way to aggregate results from multiple function calls.

In multi-process programs, it is oft often useful to delegate a function call - e.g., writing a log message to a file - to another process to avoid conflicts. pyexperiment.utils.DelegateCall implements a functor that, when called, passes the argument data to a function running in a thread of the process that created the DelegateCall object. The callback itself must be thread-safe though.

Written by Peter Duerr

class pyexperiment.utils.DelegateCall.DelegateCall(callback)[source][source]

Helper class that provides a multiprocessing-safe way to aggregate results from multiple function calls.

The arguments to the __call__ function are passed through a multiprocessing.Queue to the process where the class was initialized (i.e., all arguments must be serializable).


Send data, can be called from any process


Returns true if there are currently no pending callbacks