Source code for pyexperiment.utils.plot

"""Provides setup utilities for matplotlib figures.

The `setup_plotting` function will configure basic plot options,
such as font size, line width, etc. Calls after the first call are
ignored unless the override flag is set to True. The `setup_figure`
function will call `setup_plotting` without overriding an existing
setup, and then return the handle to a new figure, pre-configured with
the 'q' key bound to close the figure.

The `AsyncPlot` class provides a simple way to plot some datapoints in
a separate process without blocking the execution of the main program.
Just create an `AsyncPlot` object and use the `plot` method. By
default, the window created by the `AsyncPlot` will stay open until
you close it. To close the window programatically, call the `close`
method on the `AsyncPlot` object.

Written by Peter Duerr.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import

import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue

from pyexperiment import conf
from pyexperiment import log

"""Flag indicating that matplotlib has already been set up

[docs]def setup_plotting(options=None, override_setup=True): """Setup basic style for matplotlib figures """ if options is None: options = {} def option_or_conf(key, default): """Get a value from a dictionary, the configuration or a default value """ prefix = 'pyexperiment.plot' if key in options: return options['key'] elif prefix + conf.SECTION_SEPARATOR + key in conf: return conf[prefix + conf.SECTION_SEPARATOR + key] else: return default # Import seaborn if required sns = None if option_or_conf('seaborn.enable', True): try: import seaborn as sns except ImportError: log.warning("Cannot import seaborn. Proceeding without.") # Global should be ok here global _SETUP_DONE # pylint: disable=global-statement if not override_setup and _SETUP_DONE: return False font_size = int(option_or_conf('font_size', 14)) font = {'family': 'normal', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': font_size} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=bool(option_or_conf('use_tex', True))) matplotlib.rc('lines', linewidth=int(option_or_conf('line_width', 4))) matplotlib.rc('figure', facecolor='white') label_size = int(option_or_conf('label_size', 14)) matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize=label_size) matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize=label_size) if sns is not None: sns.set_style(option_or_conf('', 'darkgrid')) sns.set_palette(option_or_conf('seaborn.palette_name', 'colorblind'), desat=option_or_conf('seaborn.desat', 0.6)) _SETUP_DONE = True return True
[docs]def quit_figure_on_key(key, figure=None): """Add handler to figure (defaults to current figure) that closes it on a key press event. """ def quit_on_keypress(event): """Quit the figure on key press """ if event.key == key: plt.close(event.canvas.figure) if figure is None: figure = plt.gcf() figure.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', quit_on_keypress)
[docs]def setup_figure(name='pyexperiment'): """Setup a figure that can be closed by pressing 'q' and saved by pressing 's'. """ setup_plotting(override_setup=False) fig = plt.figure() fig.canvas.set_window_title(name) quit_figure_on_key('q', fig) return fig
[docs]class AsyncPlot(object): """Plot asynchronously in a different process """ @staticmethod
[docs] def plot_process(queue, name, labels=None, x_scale='linear', y_scale='linear'): """Grabs data from the queue and plots it in a named figure """ # Set up the figure and display it fig = setup_figure(name) if labels is not None: plt.xlabel(labels[0]) plt.ylabel(labels[1]) plt.xscale(x_scale) plt.yscale(y_scale) while True: # Get all the data currently on the queue data = [] while not queue.empty(): data.append(queue.get()) # If there is no data, no need to plot, instead wait for a # while if len(data) == 0 and plt.fignum_exists(fig.number): plt.pause(0.015) continue # Check if poison pill (None) arrived or the figure was closed if None in data or not plt.fignum_exists(fig.number): # If yes, leave the process break else: # Plot the data, then wait 15ms for the plot to update for datum in data: plt.plot(*datum[0], **datum[1]) plt.pause(0.015)
def __init__(self, name='pyexperiment', labels=None, x_scale='linear', y_scale='linear'): """Initializer """ self.queue = Queue() self.process = Process(target=self.plot_process, args=(self.queue, name, labels, x_scale, y_scale)) self.process.start()
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plots the data in the separate process """ if self.process.is_alive(): self.queue.put((args, kwargs))
[docs] def close(self): """Close the figure, join the process """ self.queue.put(None) self.process.join()