Source code for pyexperiment.experiment

"""Framework for quick and clean experiments with python.

For a simple example to adapt to your own needs, check the example

Written by Peter Duerr.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import

import unittest
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import argparse
import subprocess
    import argcomplete
except ImportError:

from pyexperiment import conf
from pyexperiment import log
from pyexperiment import state
from pyexperiment.State import StateHandler
from pyexperiment.utils.printers import print_bold  # pylint: disable=E0611

from pyexperiment.utils.interactive import embed_interactive

DEFAULT_CONFIG_SPECS = ("[pyexperiment]\n"
                        "verbosity = option('DEBUG','INFO','WARNING','ERROR',"
                        "log_to_file = boolean(default=False)\n"
                        "log_filename = string(default=log.txt)\n"
                        "log_file_verbosity = option('DEBUG','INFO','WARNING',"
                        "rotate_n_logs = integer(min=0, default=5)\n"
                        "print_timings = boolean(default=False)\n"
                        "load_state = boolean(default=False)\n"
                        "save_state = boolean(default=False)\n"
                        "state_filename = "
                        "rotate_n_state_files = integer(min=0, default=5)\n"
                        "font_size = integer(min=1, default=14)\n"
                        "label_size = integer(min=1, default=14)\n"
                        "use_tex = boolean(default=True)\n"
                        "line_width = integer(min=1, default=4)\n"
                        "enable = boolean(default=True)\n"
                        "style = option('darkgrid','whitegrid','dark',"
                        "palette_name = string(default=colorblind)\n"
                        "desat = float(min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.6)\n")
"""Default specification for the experiment's configuration

"""Default name for the configuration file

TESTS = []
"""List of all tests for the experiment. Filled by main.

"""List of all commands for the experiment. Filled by main.

[docs]def init_log(): """Initialize the logger based on the configuration """ # Get options related to logging verbosity = conf['pyexperiment.verbosity'] log_to_file = conf['pyexperiment.log_to_file'] if (((isinstance(log_to_file, str) and log_to_file == 'True') or (isinstance(log_to_file, bool) and log_to_file))): log_filename = conf['pyexperiment.log_filename'] else: log_filename = None log_file_verbosity = conf['pyexperiment.log_file_verbosity'] rotate_n_logs = int(conf['pyexperiment.rotate_n_logs']) # Setup the logger for the configuration log.initialize(console_level=verbosity, filename=log_filename, file_level=log_file_verbosity, no_backups=rotate_n_logs) # Redefining help should be ok here
[docs]def help(*args): # pylint:disable=W0622 """Shows help for a specified command. """ help_dict = dict([(command.__name__, command.__doc__) for command in COMMANDS]) if len(args) == 0: print("To get help on a command, use %s help COMMAND" % sys.argv[0].replace("./", "")) else: if args[0] in help_dict.keys(): print(help_dict[args[0]]) else: print("Command '%s' not available." % args[0])
[docs]def show_config(): """Print the configuration """
[docs]def save_config(filename): """Save a configuration file to a filename """ print("Wrote configuration to '%s'" % filename)
[docs]def test(*args): """Run tests for the experiment """ all_tests = [] for test_case in TESTS: if ((args == () or test_case.__name__ in args)): all_tests.append( unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(test_case)) suite = unittest.TestSuite(all_tests) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
[docs]def show_tests(*args): """Show available tests for the experiment """ if TESTS == []: print_bold("No tests available") else: print_bold("Available tests:") for test_case in TESTS: if ((args == () or test_case.__name__ in args)): print("\t" + str(test_case.__name__) + ":\t" + test_case.__doc__.replace( "\n", "").replace(" ", " "))
[docs]def show_state(*arguments): """Shows the contents of the state loaded by the configuration or from the file specified as an argument. """ if len(arguments) == 0: state_file = conf['pyexperiment.state_filename'] else: state_file = arguments[0] print_bold("Load state from file '%s'", state_file) try: state.load(state_file, lazy=False, raise_error=True) except IOError as err: print(err) else: if len(state) > 0: else: print("State empty")
[docs]def activate_autocompletion(): """Activate auto completion for your experiment with zsh or bash. Call with eval \"$(script_name activate_autocompletion)\". In zsh you may need to call `autoload bashcompinit` and `bashcompinit` first. """ process = subprocess.Popen( ["register-python-argcomplete", sys.argv[0].split("/")[-1]], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, _err = process.communicate() print(out)
[docs]def collect_commands(commands): """Add default commands """ default_commands = [help, test, show_tests, show_config, save_config, show_state] def show_commands(): """Print the available commands """ print_bold("Available commands:") all_commands = commands + default_commands + [show_commands] if AUTO_COMPLETION: all_commands += [activate_autocompletion] names = [command.__name__ for command in all_commands] for name in names: print("\t" + str(name)) all_commands = commands + default_commands + [show_commands] if AUTO_COMPLETION: all_commands += [activate_autocompletion] return all_commands
[docs]def format_command_help(commands): """Format the docstrings of the commands. """ string = ("available commands:\n\n" + "".join([" " + "%-22s" % (command.__name__ + ':') + "".join(command.__doc__.replace( "\n ", " ").split(".")[0]) + "\n" for command in commands if command.__doc__ is not None])) return string
[docs]def setup_arg_parser(commands, description): """Setup the argument parser for the experiment """ command_help = format_command_help(commands) arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=description, epilog=(command_help)) arg_parser.add_argument('command', help='choose a command to run', type=str, choices=[command.__name__ for command in commands], nargs='?') arg_parser.add_argument('argument', help='argument to the command', type=str, nargs='*') arg_parser.add_argument( '-c', '--config', help='specify a configuration file', type=str, default=DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME) arg_parser.add_argument( '-o', '--option', help='override a configuration option', type=str, nargs=2, metavar=('key', 'value'), action='append') arg_parser.add_argument( '-i', '--interactive', action='store_true', help='drop to interactive prompt after COMMAND') arg_parser.add_argument( '--verbosity', type=str, choices=['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'], action='store', help="choose the console logger's verbosity") arg_parser.add_argument( '-v', action='store_true', help="shortcut for --verbosity DEBUG") if AUTO_COMPLETION: argcomplete.autocomplete(arg_parser) return arg_parser
[docs]def configure(commands, config_specs, description): """Load configuration from command line arguments and optionally, a configuration file. Possible command line arguments depend on the list of supplied commands, the configuration depends on the supplied configuration specification. """ arg_parser = setup_arg_parser(commands, description) args = arg_parser.parse_args() # Handle verbosity if args.verbosity is not None: if args.option is None: args.option = [] args.option.append(('pyexperiment.verbosity', args.verbosity)) elif args.v: if args.option is None: args.option = [] args.option.append(('pyexperiment.verbosity', 'DEBUG')) conf.initialize(args.config, [option.encode() for option in config_specs.split('\n')], args.option, [option.encode() for option in DEFAULT_CONFIG_SPECS.split('\n')]) actual_command = None if args.command is not None: for command in commands: if command.__name__ == args.command: actual_command = command break else: if args.interactive: actual_command = lambda: None if actual_command is None: print("Error: Not enough arguments.") arg_parser.print_usage() return None, args.argument, args.interactive return actual_command, args.argument, args.interactive
[docs]def main(commands=None, config_spec="", tests=None, description=None): """Parses command line arguments and configuration, then runs the appropriate command. """ tic = log.debug("Start: '%s'", " ".join(sys.argv)) log.debug("Time: '%s'", tic) commands = collect_commands(commands or []) # Configure the application from the command line and get the # command to be run run_command, arguments, interactive = configure( commands, config_spec, "Thanks for using %(prog)s." if description is None else description) # Store the commands and tests globally # I believe global is justified here for simplicity if tests is not None: global TESTS # pylint:disable=W0603 TESTS = tests global COMMANDS # pylint:disable=W0603 COMMANDS = commands # Initialize the main logger based on the configuration init_log() # Handle the state safely with StateHandler(filename=conf['pyexperiment.state_filename'], load=conf['pyexperiment.load_state'], save=conf['pyexperiment.save_state'], rotate_n_files=conf[ 'pyexperiment.rotate_n_state_files']): # Run the command with the supplied arguments if run_command is not None: result = run_command(*arguments) if result is not None: print(result) # Drop to the interactive console if necessary, passing the result if interactive: embed_interactive(result=result) # After everything is done, print timings if necessary if (((isinstance(conf['pyexperiment.print_timings'], bool) and conf['pyexperiment.print_timings']) or conf['pyexperiment.print_timings'] == 'True')): log.print_timings() toc = log.debug("End: '%s'", " ".join(sys.argv)) log.debug("Time: '%s'", toc) log.debug("Took: %.3fs", (toc - tic).total_seconds()) log.close()