Source code for pyexperiment.Logger

"""Provides a multiprocessing-safe logger with colored console output,
rotating log files, and easy block-timing based on the logging module.

Logging made easy. Just use the module level functions debug, warning,
info etc. to log messages. At some point, preferably at the start of
your program, call init_main to initialize the logger and choose at
which level you want to log to the console and or rotating log files.

Timing made easy. Just use the module level function timed in a 'with'
block to log timing of the code in the block. You can also get a
summary with statistics of all your timed blocks by calling

Written by Peter Duerr, inspired by zzzeek's and airmind's examples on
Stackoverflow (,

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging
import logging.handlers
import copy

import os
import numpy as np

from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
from contextlib import contextmanager

from pyexperiment.utils.Singleton import Singleton
from pyexperiment.utils.Singleton import DefaultSingleton
from pyexperiment.utils.DelegateCall import DelegateCall

from pyexperiment.utils import printers

CONSOLE_FORMAT = ("[%(levelname)-19s] [%(relativeCreated)s]"
                  " $BOLD%(message)s$RESET")
"""The format used for logging to the console

"""How much space should be reserved for a normal message in the log

FILE_FORMAT = ("[%(relativeCreated)10.5fs] [%(levelname)-1s]"
               " %(message)-50s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d) %(processName)s "
               "- %(threadName)s")
"""The format used for logging to file

CONSOLE_STREAM_HANDLER = logging.StreamHandler()
"""The stream handler for the console (can be mocked for testing)

[docs]class ColorFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Formats logged messages with optional added color for the log level """ def __init__(self, msg, use_color=True): """Initializer """ super(ColorFormatter, self).__init__(msg) self.use_color = use_color self.log_no = 0 self.colors = self._setup_log_level_colors() @staticmethod def _setup_log_level_colors(): """Returns a dictionary with the colors associated to each log level. """ return {'WARNING': printers.COLORS['magenta'], 'INFO': printers.COLORS['white'], 'DEBUG': printers.COLORS['blue'], 'CRITICAL': printers.COLORS['yellow'], 'ERROR': printers.COLORS['red']}
[docs] def format(self, record): """Format the log """ levelname = record.levelname if self.use_color and levelname in self.colors: levelname_color = printers.colorize(levelname, self.colors[levelname]) relative_color = ("%0.3fs" % (record.relativeCreated / 1000.0)) self.log_no += 1 record = copy.copy(record) record.levelname = levelname_color record.relativeCreated = relative_color return logging.Formatter.format(self, record) else: levelname_short = levelname[0] relative_s = record.relativeCreated / 1000.0 record = copy.copy(record) record.levelname = levelname_short record.relativeCreated = relative_s return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
[docs]class MPRotLogHandler(logging.Handler): """Multiprocessing-safe handler for rotating log files """ def __init__(self, filename, level=logging.DEBUG, no_backups=0): """Initializer """ # Init base class super(MPRotLogHandler, self).__init__(level=level) # Check if we need to roll_over later roll_over_file = os.path.isfile(filename) # Prepare the formatter file_formatter = ColorFormatter( FILE_FORMAT, False) # Setup the actual handler for the log files self._file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( filename=filename, backupCount=no_backups) self._file_handler.setLevel(level) self.setFormatter(file_formatter) if roll_over_file: self._file_handler.doRollover() # Emit messages in the main process self._delegate_emit = DelegateCall(self._file_handler.emit)
[docs] def setFormatter(self, formatter): """Overload the setFormatter method""" super(MPRotLogHandler, self).setFormatter(formatter) self._file_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
def close(self): self._delegate_emit.join() self._file_handler.close() super(MPRotLogHandler, self).close() def _serializable_record(self, record): """Ensures that exc_info and args are serializable by converting everything to a string. """ if = str( if record.args: record.msg = record.msg % record.args record.args = None if record.exc_info: self.format(record) record.exc_info = None return record
[docs] def emit(self, record): """Emits logged message by delegating it """ try: formated = self._serializable_record(record) self._delegate_emit(formated) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise # This should really catch every other exception! except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.handleError(record)
[docs]class PreInitLogHandler(logging.Handler, Singleton): """Handles messages before the main logger is initialized. """ def __init__(self): """Initializer """ self.pre_init_logs = [] super(PreInitLogHandler, self).__init__()
[docs] def emit(self, msg): """Catch logs and store them for later """ # print msg self.pre_init_logs.append(msg)
[docs]class Logger(logging.Logger, DefaultSingleton): """Implements a multiprocessing-safe logger with timing and colored console output. """ def __init__(self, console_level=logging.INFO, filename=None, file_level=logging.DEBUG, no_backups=5): """Initializer """ # Initialize the base class, the minimal level makes sure no # logs are missed super(Logger, self).__init__( self, level=min(console_level, file_level)) # Setup console logging def expand_format_tags(message, use_color=True): """Expands $*SEQ tags in a string. If use_color is False, removes the tags. """ if use_color: message = message.replace( "$RESET", printers.RESET_SEQ).replace("$BOLD", printers.COLORS['bold']) else: message = message.replace("$RESET", "").replace("$BOLD", "") return message color_formatter = ColorFormatter( expand_format_tags(CONSOLE_FORMAT, True)) console_handler = CONSOLE_STREAM_HANDLER console_handler.setLevel(console_level) console_handler.setFormatter(color_formatter) self.addHandler(console_handler) # If needed add file handler if filename is not None: self.addHandler(MPRotLogHandler(filename=filename, level=file_level, no_backups=no_backups)) # Emit the messages saved by the pre-init logger for logg in PreInitLogHandler.get_instance().pre_init_logs: for handler in self.handlers: if logg.levelno >= handler.level: handler.emit(logg) PreInitLogHandler.reset_instance()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the logger """ for handler in self.handlers: handler.close() Logger.reset_instance()
@classmethod def _get_pseudo_instance(cls): """Return logger that stores the logged messages for later use """ temp_logger = logging.getLogger('pre_init_logger') for handler in temp_logger.handlers: temp_logger.removeHandler(handler) temp_logger.addHandler(PreInitLogHandler.get_instance()) temp_logger.setLevel(1) # temp_logger.debug( # "Using temporary pre-init logger") temp_logger.reset_instance = Logger.reset_instance temp_logger.close = lambda: None return temp_logger
[docs]class TimingLogger(Logger): """Provides a logger with a `timed` context. Calling code in the `timed` context will collect execution timing statistics. """ def __init__(self, console_level=logging.INFO, filename=None, file_level=logging.DEBUG, no_backups=5): """Initializer Creates a logger that logs messages at or above the console_level (by default logging.INFO) to stderr. If a filename is given, messages at or above the file level (by default logging.DEBUG) will be logged to the file with the specified name. If no_backups is larger than 0, the file will be rotated at every call of init. """ # Container and aggregator for the timings self.timings = OrderedDict() self._delegate_process_timings = DelegateCall(self._process_timings) super(TimingLogger, self).__init__(console_level, filename, file_level, no_backups) @contextmanager
[docs] def timed(self, msg='', level=logging.DEBUG, save_result=True): """Timer to be used in a with block. If the level is not None, logs the timing at the specified level. If save_result is True, captures the result in the timings dictionary. """ # At the start of the with block start = yield # After leaving the with block stop = elapsed_time = (stop - start).total_seconds() # Log if necessary if level is not None: self.log(level, msg + " took %0.6fs" % elapsed_time) # Save result if necessary if save_result: self._delegate_process_timings((msg, elapsed_time))
[docs] def print_timings(self): """Prints a summary of the timings collected with 'timed'. """ # Make sure the delegated calls are done self._delegate_process_timings.join() if len(self.timings.items()) > 0: # Announce timings printers.print_blue( # pylint: disable=no-member "Timing Summary:") # Iterate over all saved timings for msg, times in self.timings.items(): no_timings = len(times) if no_timings > 1: times_array = np.array(times) message = ("\t'%s' (timed %d times): " "total = %0.6fs, " "min = %0.6fs, max = %0.6fs, median = %0.6fs" % (msg, no_timings, np.sum(times_array), np.min(times_array), np.max(times_array), np.median(times_array))) else: message = "\t'%s': %0.6fs" % (msg, times[0]) print(message) else: printers.print_blue( # pylint: disable=no-member "No timings stored...")
def _process_timings(self, data): """Aggregates the timing data in the dict """ # Destructure the data msg, elapsed_time = data # Save the result if msg not in self.timings: self.timings[msg] = [elapsed_time] else: self.timings[msg].append(elapsed_time)
[docs] def close(self): """Make sure the delegated calls are all done... """ self._delegate_process_timings.join() super(TimingLogger, self).close()